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The Village is currently preparing its annual stormwater report for the NYSDEC. 

As in past years, on April 1, 2025, at our regularly scheduled village board meeting at 7PM in the Sweet Building,

the Village Engineer will be available to provide insight into the ongoing stormwater

activities of the Village and the preparation of the report.

We will also be receiving public input on its Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) during this meeting.

MS4 Annual Report/Interim Progress Certification 2025

Upcoming Events
March 29, 2025
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
There are no events today. Please check the full event calendar for future events.
April 1
Village Board Meeting - 7:00 PM
April 9
Court - 6:00 PM
April 15
Village Board Meeting - 7:00 PM
April 23
Court - 6:00 PM
May 6
Village Board Meeting - 7:00 PM
May 14
Court - 6:00 PM

Welcome to the Village of Phoenix, where the Oswego River flows through the center of the village providing a unique avenue for travel, recreation and a connection with our past. Whether you are a life-long resident, new to our village, or just passing through, I invite you to become a part of our extended family.

Village of Phoenix in the fall
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